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How To Find Your Downloading Speed With Google Own Test Speed Option.

How  To Find Your Downloading Speed With Google Own Test Speed Option. Today the internet is the great mediator of our lives, carrying not only practical information through traditional vertical structures - editing who should and should not see what is relayed - but the most highly personal and social information through horizontal structures of friends and peers. We now live through infinitely complex virtual networks, barely able to trace where our information is coming from or going to. Is this a good thing? Traditional media tends to focus on our increased vulnerability: the possibility of isolation caused by too much screen time, the easy exposure to porn, gambling and other peoples’ bad behaviour on Youtube. Many on the political left emphasise increasing surveillance of our personal lives by both government and business, arguing that this is a clamping down on our freedom. Test your internet speed by follow following speed: To test your speed: 1 For the best results, close ...